$20 Purchases a Freedom Kit Bag (reusable cloth sanitary pads) for one woman or girl to use each month when menstruating.
$20 Cover the purchase & distribution of 10 Clean
Delivery Kits to remote village Health Posts throughout Humla. Delivery
is done on foot and pack animals since there are no roads.
$500 Covers the transportation, food, lodging & salary
of one Maternal-Child Health Educator to teach a 5-day Safe Motherhood
Class in Humla.
$2500 Cover all expenses for 30 Humli women to attend a
5-day Safe Motherhood Training. The knowledge and skills they learn are
then shared with their entire village.
$1500 Covers all educational, room & board expenses for 5 year old Alisa to go to boarding school.
$15,000 Builds a new Women's Community Center
Any size donation is greatly appreciated!